Starlight Shores is a new world that is included in Showtime. These versions do not have much difference other than special venues, stages and clothing. Note, there are 3 versions: the regular, the Limited Edition, and the Katy Perry edition. Players can message other players while their Sims are performing in other towns. Sims who visit a player's town via SimPort will default to the traits, clothes, and objects that they have locally in their game. A player can unlock backgrounds, props, and costumes for their Sim if they choose to use SimPort. Choosing not to use SimPort will not change gameplay with any interactions that do not require SimPort.

Players can throw objects at performers – ranging from flowers to lettuce. They can also invite your friends to send their Sims to perform for you and customize the stage in venues with special themed backgrounds, props, lights and special effects. SimPort allows players to send Star performers on tour to perform special shows in their friends' towns if you have internet connection and friends who play the game.

A limited collector's edition includes exclusive in-game content such as a stage and two costumes along with a poster based on American singer Katy Perry. The Sims 3: Showtime is the sixth expansion pack for The Sims 3 on OS X and Windows.